How to make waffles! [CHEAT]

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Omg I'm super happy nao cox I finished my exams already! Although I kind of screwed up the paper lah but who cares it's over. Just hope there's moderation so that I won't need to repeat that module next year lol. So yes I'm like super free now for this week so here's an new entry!

Was craving for waffles for breakfast a few days back but I always couldn't wake up in time for KFC/Mac breakfast on a non-schooling days, so I decided to make my own:

Looks not bad right!

It's super easy to make cox I cheat one! So if you are looking for the recipe to make raw waffle batter ah, I'm so sorry to disappoint you :x

Firstly you will need:


Since I don't have waffle machine at home, I bought the ready made ones from NTUC for $6+ if I didn't remember wrongly! There's 10 pieces inside so can last you for around 3-4 days I guess. I think you can get it from most of the supermarket stores lah hahaha. I'm using the Aunt Jemima waffles (the one shown above), doesn't taste exactly good on it's own though, too bland. Taste good with maple syrup though! 

So you just put the frozen waffles into the oven for 6-8 minutes and wait for it to turn golden brown.


You can practically add whatever you want! Strawberries, nutella, peanut butter, ice cream or if you like the traditional waffles like me you can just put butter + maple syrup ^.^


What's breakfast without scrambled eggs!

Actually you can just cook normal scrambled eggs and add to your waffles but just in case you don't know how here you go:

1.) Beat the eggs
2. Add a few teaspoon of milk (For me I added around 2 spoons depending on your preference!)
3. Add soy sauce (depending on how much flavor you want, DON'T ADD TOO MUCH IF NOT IT WILL BE SUPER DUPER SALTY!!!)
4. Mix well and pour the eggs into the pan and cook.
5. Add pepper if you like!

The thing I like about scrambled eggs is that I no need to make it look nice since it's going to be scrambled anyways HAHAHA. 

If it's not filling enough for you can always add other stuff like sausages to make it more filling! Serve it with milk/orange juice and tada atas breakfast at home! :D

Will blog again tomorrow! See you guys soon!

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