How can you resist food.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Hello hello everybody! How's your day? :D

I'm currently having my study break now (which is meant for me to study for exams) but I self declared it as my 'holidays' cox I didn't study :x Okay lah I did but the ratio of me studying to the time spent pigging out is 1:9 LOL. I've no idea why I've been feeling super sleepy nowadays although I slept for a really long time. Like I can sleep for 12 hours, wake up for lunch and go back to sleep for another 5 hours.

Going to have my exams in 4 days and I'm super NOT prepared I can say lol. I've no idea how students from other courses cope one, I only have 1 paper and I'm complaining like there's no tomorrow lor. Partially cox this module is my most hated module & I DON'T GET WHY DOES THIS MODULE HAVE EXAMS. Not like I'm going to meet 李白 in the media industry right *roll eyes*

Went to Sakura for lunch with Mummy last week and it was super sinful cox I ate around 10 pieces of cakes. SUPER FATTENING I KNOW! But I stood infront of the cakes contemplating if I should take more or not and eventually I gave it cox I cannot resist them oooops.

You tell me lah can resist not!!
I super duper love the cheesecakes!! (The normal one and the oreo one!)  Not too sweet I like! :D

Another shot to show off my cakes!
And you can see at the back is the crazy amount of prawns I've eaten all by myself. I know I know, fats right lol.

Woke up early today for my job interview and I'm super happy that I've gotten the job!! Not going to reveal where is my workplace yet but it's somewhere in the east & it's a F&B related shop! I've always wanted to work at some icecream/pancakes/waffle shop cox I super love to eat lol. So you can guess what food they sell here ah hahaha! The working hours are rather long and I hope I'll be able to cope with it :/ And I'll be working throughout my holidays which means I wouldn't have time to blog :( But I will try to blog as much as possible throughout the holidays ok! Must continue checking back hor !!

Anyways here's a sneak peak to where I'll be working at: 

Fluffy fluffy sheeps mehmehmeh.

Went to Starbucks to study after that with my cousin and we can declare it a fail cox we spent almost an hour talking crap and laughing :x But heyyyyy I did manage to study ABIT okay lolol.

Purposely editted this photo liddis to have the tumblr-ish effect.
Got feel not?

Went to have Thai food with my family after that! 
There is this super duper yummy Thai food stall near my house call the Nakhon Kitchen ! THEIR THAI FOOD IS REALLY THUMB UP ONE !! MUST GO AND TRY. The price is quite reasonable also, and if you are a fan of spicy food you should try their tom yam soup!

Pineapple rice!
This one is my ultimate favourite! Go there everytime must order this one.

The honey chicken at the back also very nice!!

Thai style kway teow!
This one also not bad but I still prefer my pineapple rice over this. Talking about this ah, you see the chilli flakes at the back? IT'S SUPER DUPER MEGA SPICY. I accidentally ate it right and I gulp down my whole cup of water immediately. The kway teow comes with sugar at the side also lol.

The sweet tapioca with coconut milk also very yummy!
But the tapioca today abit hard ah so not really very nice :x The other time my friend ordered it it was much softer, easier to chew!

Okay that's about it! I guess I won't be blogging until my exam end so see you guys till then! 
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