I didn't manage to blog yesterday cox I went out with my cousin till like 10+ cox we stood at the Sanrio shop for the longest time (Around 1h+) to pick the things we want LOL. I'll try to blog for the next two days so kajima~ (which means don't leave!)
This blog post is like super overdue cox all the pictures are taken before my exam started. Went to National library to study for our exams with my cousin since we both can't concentrate at home.

Bought I love Taimei for lunch before we head over!
We just sat down outside national library at the open area and ate there like some hobo lol. But who cares lor it's sheltered and pretty windy, why not right!

Kind of forgot what I ordered but it's some teriyaki chicken I guess!

You can see how lame I'm if you can read what I wrote in my notes, like the 艾青 I translated it to 'love green' for easier memory work lol. BUT APPARENTLY THIS PAGE NO COME OUT FOR EXAMS.
Headed over to 18 chefs after that for dinner!

My baked rice!
I was waiting for my cousin to finish her food cox she was a slow eater and then SUDDENLY SOMEONE OUT OF NOWHERE APPROACHED ME AND ASKED ME FOR MY NUMBER. I actually thought he wanted to ask me do some survey and I asked him "you need my number for?" Then he said "oh no ah let's be friend!" and my reaction was "wtf you siao ah?!"
I didn't know how to reject him cox it's really hard for me to reject people ftf so I looked at my cousin with the "HELLO CAN YOU LIKE HELP ME HERE PLEASE" *sos eyes* then she literally ignored me can! Continue to eat her baked rice and laugh -_____-
But eventually I rejected him lah cox I couldn't give him like fake number what, later he dial on the spot then my phone never ring I die. Then I also cannot give him what, later he harass me the whole day how, I die also. So either way also die so I just reject lor. Maybe if he looks like show luo then I will give HAHAHAHAHA okay just kidding!
But I really don't understand why would he come and ask for my number lor. Like I'm in my most unglamorous state eating my baked rice, trying to pull the strain off cheese off the bowl and get them into my mouth lol. But at the same time can be some dare game lah, but quite ridiculous ah, playing dare in a shopping mall LOL.

Ending the post with my famous amos cookies! :D
Will update again tomorrow, see you guys soon!
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