Hello everyone!! 

(Before I start, I just created a Facebook page for my blog so please show me some love by liking it ok!!! The Facebook gadget is just on the right :D THANK YOU HEHEHE -hug-)
I'm finally having my holidays so I headed to the Japanese primary school on Saturday with Lynn for Natsu Matsuri!! If you don't know what is that, it's translated into 'summer festival' which is a festival where you get to dress in Yukata, play games and eat all the good food.I missed the one last year so I was all hyped up for this year one LOL.
Went like 3 hours earlier and there are already people queuing under the hot sun already. Thank god for company if not I swear I'm gonna be so sian there. There was a girl behind us alone and I wonder how she tank for that few hours :x 

Hoboing outside the school with Lynn.


As expected, everything here is pretty much overpriced as you can see from the price of the mask :(
IT'S LIKE FREAKING $10 FOR A MASK. But I guess people still buy it because it's like a once in a year thing so just yolo lol.

What's a festival without cotton candy and popcorns?

You can actually rent a Yukata there for a small fee if you don't have your own!
I actually wanted to rent but the queue was way too long and I was already so sick of queuing outside so I didn't join the queue.
Were extremely hungry so we went to get some Takoyaki before we headed to the big field.

$3 for 4 small balls which I finished each ball with a mouth, but customer service -thumbs up- #japanrocks

The little kids are so cute omg.

Little performers on the main stage!
We didn't have any mat so Lynn just sat on the grass while I sat on a plastic bag, we all really hobo mode :x


Bought curry rice and Lynn had some boiled squid noodles for dinner.
and more selfie:

My iconic fishball cheeks LOL
There were game booths too but I didn't try any because I'm super bad at games, confirm lose everything one lol!

Everyone is so intensely looking at the players o.o
Left around 7 because Lynn need to head back home early so we didn't manage to join the Bon dori at the end but it was still a fun day afterall! :D
Btw if you haven't watch, Japan vlog part 2 at Disneyland is up!
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