Hello my lovelies!
Gonna share a post with you guys that might shock you so much... but it's real.
You all know how much I love Japan and I would always tell my friends that I'm going to marry a Japanese guy and migrate there because Japan is just so so beautiful and amazing. BUT I can't speak Japanese so it's like a 0.01% of chance that I will get attached to a Japanese guy because of the language barrier :(
During my last day of my Japan trip (which I went to the zoo with Lynn), I saw a really cute guy at the zoo at the polar bear exhibition but I didn't do anything lah of course lolol. So I just look look and continue to zoom my camera at the polar bear. Then when I was about to leave I accidentally dropped my lens cover and he picked it up for me. Then I just say "Arigato" then I zao already lah. And surprisingly he replied in english :O
OK SO I THOUGHT THAT WAS THE END OF MY ADVENTURE WITH THIS GUY BUT NO. So me and Lynn went to get our lunch and we took turns cox we need someone to take care of our belongings so when I returned to my seat I saw the guy sitting just behind me wtf got so zhun or not ?!?! So I just smiled at him and start eating my food cox I was mad hungry. THEN SOMEONE TAPPED ME.
So turn out is that guy lah! And he randomly told me my cap is very cute lolol. (On a side note, my cap was really popular in Japan leh! I was walking along Harajuku and this woman suddenly tapped me and asked to take a photo of my cap for some fashion magazine cox she said it was cute) OK BACK TO TOPIC. So we converse a little bit in english cox uhm... his english also not say very good la k but we still can hold a conversation.
Then his friend suddenly came and talk to him in Japanese which I don't understand but since he's pointing towards somewhere far I'm assuming he has to go lah! So we sort of say that we will talk on LINE. (something like whatsapp but LINE is much more popular in Japan)
so we have been talking since then on LINE and we sort of agree to having a long distance relationship after realizing that we have so much in common! AND I HOPE IT WILL WORK OUT LOL.
And by this time I'm pretty sure you are pretty curious about how he looks like right! Sorry no pics for you cox he's mine HAHAHAHAHAHA. Ok lah kidding this kind of thing I will share one ok, and since he's in Japan you all can't flirt with him so it's alright >:)
Scroll down !!

Cute or not?! Got ribbon somemore lol.
But anyways just to clarify I'm totally NOT attached and I didn't meet anyone at the zoo except for Mr. Polar Bear k.
And if you are curious why I call Tokyo Banana my boyfriend is because it's super sweet-tasting for me and wrapped out so nicely like a handsome dude so I just told Sinyee: "my boyfriend is tokyo banana. See he's like super duper sweet and handsome, won't break my heart/cheat on my somemore!" lol so that's how it became my boyfriend hahahaha.
Actually this post I just want to introduce you guys some of my favorite Japanese sweets!!
So the first one I would highly recommend you to buy it is the Tokyo Banana Caramel Custard Cream (The one in giraffe prints)

I prefer this compared to the original flavored one, probably because this is sweeter! But I see many people liking the original one though.
AND SADLY I ONLY MANAGED TO EAT ONE. I was so at my mum and sis cox she finished everything despite me asking her to leave some for me wtf. I'M STILL ANGRY NOW K >:(
And I totally regret not buying the box with 12 pieces inside one :(
My second favorite would be the Ginza Strawberry Cake!

The cake totally tasted like Tokyo banana but instead of banana cream, you get strawberry jam oozing out of the cake instead !! If you are a huge strawberry fans like me you would love this !!

My boyfriend and his cousin ahem.
And the next one I would introduce to you guys would be the kit kats!
I'm sure you all know that Japan has the craziest amount of flavors for their kitkats but I didn't really see anything special except for this three.

Strawberry cheesecake, Sakura green tea and strawberry (which you can get in singapore Idk why I buy also)
I have yet to try any of them but both my mum and sis love the strawberry cheesecake one! From the name already sounds damn yummy lor.
So for the last food that I will introduce to you guys will be Shiroi Koibito!
I didn't bought this though, cox I've tried it before 3 years ago already so I decided to skip it hahaha but's really yummy too!

It's just cookies filled with white chocolates...
I don't know why it taste so amazing lol.
(And sorry guys I'm taking my own sweet time to edit my photos for my Japan trip :x)
Aww my favourite Tokyo Banana!
So sad it can only last for 1 week +. T.T
Anyway, I watched Free too! I prefer Haruka Nanase. HEHEHE
Hi there,
Thanks for coming to my blog and replying my comment :D and please don't feel bad about you being unable to answer my comment on time. Anyway, what a bummer when you donated all your clothes because you had a super duper cute rainbow or galaxy skirt! And I want it so bad :( haha
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