Recipe: Strawberry cheesecake cupcake

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sudden feel to bake so I suddenly thought of the cupcakes my puinko baked for me last year and it was mega yummy!!! So I asked her for the recipe and she said it was the one on Kaykay's blog but she didn't convert the recipe to grams so I converted for you guys if you are interested to make them!

Here are my cupcakes!

The original recipe is here so if you need the picture guide just click the link!

For the crust:
15 pieces of digestives
125g of butter

For the cupcake batter:
4 egg whites and 2 tablespoon of sugar
1 tsp baking powder (I skipped this and my cupcakes still poofed up really well)
170g of butter
190g of all purpose flour
1 cup of plain yoghurt (Those regular cups they are selling at supermarkets will do)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
200g of sugar (original was 220g, I reduced it)
1/2 teaspoon of salt
Diced strawberries (put more if you like and vice versa)

For the cream cheese frosting:
180g of cream cheese
85g of butter
200g of icing sugar (adjust to your preferred sweetness)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

I warn you guys first ah, this recipe is pretty much tedious if you don't have a electric mixer and it's pretty time consuming too cox there's alot of steps to it.

so for the steps:

1. Crush all the digestives into crumbs and mix with butter. Press down with fingers in cupcake liner and bake for 5 minutes at 170 degrees C.

2. Beat the egg whites and sugar until stiff USING AN ELECTRIC MIXER. (I geh kiang don't want to use ended up beat for 15 minutes still not stiff kns) Careful not to overbeat if not your cupcakes will flop!

3. Mix flour, salt and baking powder. (Sift the flour and baking powder!!)

4. In another bowl, cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy, then add the vanilla and beat with a hand mixer. Then add half the flour mixture until incorporated then mix in the yoghurt. Add remaining flour and mix everything. (I kind of messed up this step just by adding in everything at once, it turns out fine though lol)

5. Gently fold 1/3 of the egg into the batter until combined, repeat until everything is mixed well.

6. Scoop batter into cupcake liners and bake for 25 minutes in the oven at 170 degree celcius.

7. For the frosting, just mix everything together that's all!!

8. Decorate the cupcake in any way you like!

Freshly out of oven without any frosting!

All ready with cream cheese frosting!!

Bake for your crush and he confirm will fall in love with you HAHAHA OKAY JOKING.
Just go try this recipe lah k, no regrets one.

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