Hi guys! I finally have something more interesting to blog about *v*
Today's blogpost will be picture heavy but no worries cox got handsome guy ok!!
Went to Alien's autograph session today at Square 2 and I first I thought the queue was short because there were people queuing inside so I decided to go to Ajisen for lunch first but ended up the queue was outside the mall and the queue was MAD LONG.

There was no barricade or anything so I was around the 8th row but then I manage to squeeze and get myself to the 6th row. And this super nice guy let me stand infront of him! :D
I stood for like 3 hours+ just to see him lor.

With 93.3 host 陈宁!
Shall just let picture do the talking:

I screenshot most of the pictures from the videos I took because from my past experience I realize that the shutter speed was either not fast enough or the pictures turn out super blurry so I ended with no pictures :( This time I smart already LOL.
Actually I took alot of pictures and I can say 3/4 of them ended up blurry AGAIN mehz thank god for the videos. Talking about that my back almost broke ok! Everyone was stretching their hands up to take photos and videos and being short I had to tiptoe and raise my hands like really high up if not I couldn't see anything. And after straight 9 minutes of stretching, I almost died OTL.

Just in case if you're wondering what camera I'm using to take all the photos, I'm using my Pink Samsung NX1000 with zoom lenses. The normal lenses would not be able to take such photos from afar. I got it for $599 at the IT fair and the lenses come free ! So don't ask me what camera I use ah!
Autograph session started after 3 songs and when I went on the stage he greeted me with "HELLO! " then show his signature smile and dimples *melt* And then I told him 你很可爱! 加油哦! and he replied 谢谢! then have handshake lol. I super awkz cox I wanted to take back my hands cox I thought it will be a short handshake like show luo's, who know it will be that long LOL. So I wanted to take back my hand but he was still holding to it and I look at him and I saw him smile at me! I ABIT FREAK OUT COX FIRST TIME I SEE SOMEONE LOOK AT ME IN THE EYES THIS LONG LEH.

*Greet with Signature smile*

*Sign album*

*Anticipating the next album face*
Ending off with a last picture!

Okay xiaogui say byebye! :D
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